


shadow Lazio

The Lazio region of central Italy. It is bordered to the north by Tuscany, Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo to the east, to the south with Molise and Campania. And 'wet on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The coast is about 300 km long with many sandy beaches alternating with coves and cliffs. A rich and clean sea with the wild natural environment and green pine forests, the Etruscan coast, Marina di Pescia Romana and Marina di San Nicola, the Riviera of Rome, Fregene Neptune and the Riviera of Ulysses with Gaeta, Sabaudia, Sperlonga and the Pontine Islands. Going inward, through rolling hills with a beautiful agricultural landscape you get to the mountains of the central Apennines with its forests, rocks, mountains like those of Terminillo where you can go hiking, mountaineering, climbing and winter sports. Rich in natural places protected including three National Parks: The National Park of Abruzzo, the Circeo National Park, the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga. In these areas encounter many small mountain villages, hermitages, monasteries of historical, cultural and religious. Coming down the mountain along the rivers open valleys with beautiful lakes such as Lake Bolsena on Volsini, Lake Vico on Cimini and Sabatini on Lake Bracciano, and many others. The lazio is the Italian region with the largest number of lakes where you can also take a bath. Lazio has a very ancient history. Inhabited by the Latins, Sabines, Volsci, Ernici, Equi and Aurunci at different times settled in the central and southern areas. In northern areas of the region lived the Etruscans. With the development of the history of Rome Lazio is mixed with that of the Romans who developed enormous power of enriching architectural and artistic beauties the city of Rome and many centers of Lazio. Within the city of Rome has developed the Papal Basilica with its unique, its palaces and museums heritage. Rome alone has many of the artistic and cultural heritage in the world. But New York is not only Rome, are also the Castelli Romani, Frascati, Viterbo, Rieti, Frosinone where you can immerse yourself in the endless beauty of a cosmopolitan history. Roman cuisine and of the Lazio region is characterized by its simplicity with typical dishes such as Bucatini Amatriciana, spaghetti alla carbonara, pajata, lamb cacciatore, pork, salt cod stew. All served with sweet wines such as the area of ​​Frascati, Montefiascone or Genazzano.. And sweet as currant and pangiallo. The climate varies greatly from area to area. Along the coast is very mild in both winter and summer. Went to the mountains is becoming more and more continental. Rome never fails to exhibitions, events, festivals throughout the year, but also in the rest of the region meet festivals, celebrations and events of cultural, artistic and religious enhance the beauty and the ancient history of the region.


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